Welcome to the Crafoord Academy Lecture 2025 by Prof. Minik Rosing,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Earth’s rock record covers 4 billon years, and even the oldest rocks we know show traces of life. Life has shaped the evolution of our planet. Life helped build the mountains and life controls Earth climate. We are part of this life. Understanding how life affected Earth in the deep geologic past can show us the way to a better future for humanity and avert pending disasters.
Our scientific knowledge allows us to make sound choices. I would like to invite you on a journey to the dawn of time, 3800.000.000 years back in time. We will go to Greenland and learn how life build the wonderful planet we live on, and how life has preserved Earth as the only oasis for life we know in the Universe.
Minik Rosing is Professor of Geology at University of Copenhagen. Minik studies the oldest sediments know on Earth in his native Greenland, has discovered the oldest signs of life on Earth in these rocks, and have constrained the composition of the oceans and atmosphere on the young Earth. This is now used to help guide mitigation strategies for climate change today.
The Lecture is only open for pre-registered Schools.
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