The Illusion of Control Conference is a collaboration between Para Limes, Arizona State University, Beijer Institute, PIIRS, and Stockholm Resilience Centre.
This conference is about the illusion of control. Most humans live with such illusions as if they are reality. They perceive to be in control of the real world, but see only a reduced reality, that, in time, space and complexity, is only a minuscule part of an infinite world. That world is loaded with an immeasurable number of connected cause and effect relationships, that all, in some way, affect every individual on his planet.
For example, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change aims to achieve a climate neutral world by mid-century through control of greenhouse gas emissions. It is a legally binding international treaty that was adopted by 196 parties in December 2015. Each of the parties agreed to do the best it can to decrease such emissions. There are no incentives or penalties if they do not. The agreement suggests control but created an illusion. More than six years after the agreement entered into force, global greenhouse gas emissions are rising more than ever. No climate neutral world is in sight.
The conference will delve into questions like: Can we know reality? What are the consequences for taking illusions for reality? What does it mean for our approach to global challenges?
Presentations by world leading thinkers from different disciplines will be mixed with in-depth discussions and intense interactions with the audience.
More information and registration>
Brian Arthur, Daniel Brooks, Miguel Centeno, Sean Cleary, Liesbeth Feikema, Atsushi Iriki, Helga Nowotny, Nick Obolensky, Terry Sejnowski, Andrew Sheng, Sander van der Leeuw, Gert van Santen.
Kontakt: Peter Brandén