Coordination Self-assembly and 3D electron Crystallography (11th SJAN Seminar)

Datum: 2023-03-14

Tid: 16:15 - 19:00

Adress: The Royal Swedish Academy Of Sciences, 4 Lilla Frescativägen 4A, Stockholm, Sverige

Lokal: The Beijer Hall

Sista anmälningsdatum: 2023-03-14 11:00

Coordination Self-assembly and 3D electron Crystallography (11th SJAN Seminar)

This event is a rare opportunity to listen to lectures on the cutting-edge science of molecules and crystals. Swedish researchers and others interested in science and technology in Japan are most welcome to attend this event together with Japanese researchers in Sweden, JSPS alumni members and Japanese governmental scholarship fellows.

This is also a very informative event for those interested in studying, post-doctoral work, or employment in Japan.

The seminar is organised by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Embassy of Japan in Sweden, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Stockholm Office and JSPS Alumni Club in Sweden.



Opening Remarks

  • Prof. Hans Ellegren, Secretary General of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  • H.E. Masaki Noke, Ambassador of the Embassy of Japan in Sweden


Prof. Kazuyuki Kuroda, Director, JSPS Stockholm Office

Coordination Self-assembly: from Origins to the Latest Advances

Lecture by Prof. Makoto Fujita, University of Tokyo

3D Electron Crystallography: Past, Present, and Future

Lecture by Prof. Xiaodong Zou, Stockholm University

Questions and Answers


The event is free of charge and open to the public but registration is required for all participants.

Photo: Makoto Fujita: Private, Xiaodong Zou: Tom Willhammar

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Kontakt: Peter Brandén