Nominate to Stockholm Water Prize

The Stockholm Water Prize is awarded to an individual, institution or organisation that has made substantial scientific or other contribution to our understanding of water resources and the sustainable use and protection of them, thereby leading to improved health and well-being of humans as well as ecosystems. The contributions can concern natural sciences, engineering, technology, education, policy and practice.

Nomination for 2026 year’s prize is open from 20 March 2025.


The main achievements of the proposed laureate shall be in at least one of the following two categories:

1. Research

Basic and applied research to develop new knowledge and/or scientific leadership in fields relevant for the prize.

2. Policy and practices

Achievements that have improved the governance and management of water as a natural and economic resource, and/or as a human right and basic service. The category may include:

  • human rights,
  • conflict resolution and international cooperation,
  • sustainable and safe management of water resources,
  • provision of water supply and sanitation services,
  • development and application of appropriate technologies or economical, legislative, institutional or administrative principles for efficient, equitable and sustainable water management and services provision.

For both categories, achievements in outreach and awareness raising shall be considered of merit. This includes education and training of students, water professionals of communities as well as dissemination of information to and awareness raising of decision-makers and the general public.



  • The candidate shall have made outstanding achievements of lasting significance during the last ten years and provided stimulation for further important work.
  • Nominations, which cannot be supported by documented scientific merits, should be accompanied by at least two support letters from individuals or organisations without direct professional or family ties to the candidate.
  • The candidate cannot be employed by or in close professional relation to Stockholm Water Foundation or any of its associated entities.

Self-nominations will be disregarded.


The nomination and selection process

The nomination and selection process involves the following steps:

  1. Short nominations are submitted through the web form designated in the call for nominations.
  2. The prize committee at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences makes a first selection of outstanding candidates.
  3. Nominators of these outstanding candidates are invited to submit a full nomination, unless the information provided in the initial nomination is deemed sufficient for evaluation.
  4. Nominations of outstanding candidates are reviewed by the prize committee including, if the prize committee so decides, peer reviewing by external expert reviewers.
  5. The prize committee presents their suggestion for laureate, along with a motivation, at a General Meeting of the Academy.
  6. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Academy appoints the laureate of the year at the meeting and informs Stockholm Water Foundation of their decision before the end of February.
  7. The board of Stockholm Water Foundation decides to award the Stockholm Water Prize in accordance with the decision by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Nominations as well as all award nomination materials are confidential.

Tips for nominating

A good nomination is key to communicating a candidate’s qualifications to the prize committee.

  • Represent your candidate – Poorly-prepared or incomplete nominations will not highlight the accomplishments but place the candidate at a disadvantage.
  • Facilitate the prize committee’s work – Well-written and concise nominations allow the committee members to clearly understand the candidate’s achievements and use their time effectively when evaluating nominations.
  • Provide sufficient but concise information – Plan your argument – Outline your potential candidate’s qualifications, comparing them to the award criteria. This will make it easier to compose your argument. Be certain to address each of the criteria.
  • Fill out the nomination form completely – Make sure you have filled out all applicable fields in a legible manner.