Sixteen mathematicians share SEK 35 million in research funding

Since 2014, the Mathematics Program has provided a boost for Swedish mathematical research and this year sixteen mathematicians will receive funding. This program is a collaboration between Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, which provides the funding, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which evaluates the candidates.

Sixteen mathematicians receive funding from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation this year.
Sixteen mathematicians receive funding from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation this year.

Peter Wallenberg Jr, chair of Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, believes that the twelve years of the Mathematics Program have shown great benefits.

“Sweden now has both world-leading research environments and new directions in mathematics research. Several Swedish research environments are also successfully competing with world-leading universities when it comes to recruiting postdocs. The Foundation’s grants as part of the mathematics program, as well as the Wallenberg Scholars and Fellow programs and the investment in mathematics for AI as part of the WASP Program, are all contributing to this rewarding development,” he says.

This year, eight young Swedish mathematicians will have the opportunity to travel abroad to start a postdoctoral position, while five researchers and three visiting professors from abroad will be recruited to Swedish universities. They represent a wide range of different disciplines, with their work including probability theory, symplectic geometry and representation theory.

As in the past, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences evaluates the candidates nominated by Swedish universities.

“This program is not only of huge significance for Swedish mathematical research, but also for the many other sciences that need mathematical knowledge, so we are extremely happy to be able to help by evaluating the candidates who could be the ones to receive funding,” says Hans Ellegren, Secretary General of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Eight researchers receive international postdoctoral positions and funding for two years after they return to Sweden:

Dr Lukas Nakamura, Uppsala University (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, France)

Doctoral student Axel Ljungström, Stockholm University (University of Nottingham, UK)

Dr Simon Cooper, Stockholm University (King’s College London, UK)

Doctoral student Joakim Cronvall, Lund University (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Doctoral student Federica Milinanni, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Northwestern University, USA)

Doctoral student Mateusz Stroinski, Uppsala University (University of Hamburg, Germany)

Doctoral student Sven Sandfeldt, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (University of Chicago, USA)

Doctoral student Danai Deligeorgaki, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany)

Five researchers receive grants to recruit a foreign researcher for a postdoctoral position in Sweden:

Associate Professor Daniel Ahlberg, Stockholm University

Dr Simon Larson, University of Gothenburg

Associate Professor Magnus Goffeng, Lund University

Professor David Witt Nyström, University of Gothenburg

Dr Simon Rydin Myerson, Chalmers University of Technology

Three established researchers from outside Sweden will be visiting professors at Swedish universities (in brackets)

Professor Stefano De Marchi, University of Padua, Italy (Uppsala University)

Professor Adrianna Gillman, University of Colorado Boulder, USA (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)

Professor Johannes Rau, University of the Andes, Colombia (University of Gävle)

Read more about the researchers and their research

FACTS/About the program

Over the years 2014–2030, the program provides SEK 650 million to allow Swedish researchers to receive international postdoctoral positions, as well as the international recruitment of visiting professors and of foreign researchers to postdoctoral positions at Swedish universities. The program also includes funding worth SEK 73 million for the Academy of Sciences’ Institut Mittag-Leffler, one of the world’s ten leading mathematics institutions. Including this year’s grants, 168 researchers have received funding since 2014.

Contact persons:

Peter Wallenberg Jr, Chair, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
+46 (0)8 545 017 80

Hans Ellegren, Secretary General, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
+46 (0)8 673 95 02

Sara Mazur, Executive Director, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
+46 (0)8 545 017 80

Press contact:

Eva Nevelius, press secretary, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
+46 (0)70 878 67 63