The logician Jaakko Hintikka, the mathematician Luis A. Caffarelli, the architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, Japan and the composer Mauricio Kagel, Germany, are awarded the Prizes for 2005.
The Rolf Schock Prizes for 2005, of SEK 400,000 each are awarded to:
Logic and philosophy
Jaakko Hintikka
”for his pioneering contributions to the logical analysis of modal concepts, in particular the concepts of knowledge and belief”
Luis Caffarelli
”for his important contributions to the theory of nonlinear partial differential equations”
The visual arts
Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa
”for their uncompromisingly restrained, strict, aesthetic architecture which nevertheless succeeds in embracing great warmth and closeness in the relationship between mankind and the environment”
Musical arts
Mauricio Kagel
”for during six decades having created a unique musical universe in which a variety of sources of sound have been investigated and incorporated into scenic action, fi lm and radio plays. In Kagel’s work playful candour is combined with strict artistic discipline, bold new creations with in-depth historical perspective”
The versatile philosopher and artist Rolf Schock (1933–1986) describes in his will a prize to be awarded in such widely differing subjects as logic and philosophy, mathematics, the visual arts and music. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts and the Royal Swedish Academy of Music have awarded these prizes every other year since 1993.
Princess Christina, Mrs Magnuson, is to award the prizes at a ceremony at the Royal Swedish Academy of Music on 27 October 2005.
More information
Hintikka: Lars Bergström, Professor of Practical Philosophy, Stockholm University, tel. +46 8164209
Caffarelli: Christer Kiselman, Professor of Mathematics, Uppsala university, tel. +46 184713216
Sejima and Nishizawa: Beate Sydhoff, Secretary General, Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts, tel. +46 88232945
Kagel: Åke Holmquist, Secretary General, Royal Swedish Academy of Music, tel. +46 84071802
For more information on Rolf Schock, previous laureates etc., see the website of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,, or contact Science editor Jonas Förare, +46 8 673 95 44, +46 703277200,