Sven Lidin, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Lund University has been elected as new President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He will take up his duties as of July 1, 2025.

Professor Lidin was elected as member of the Academy’s Class for Chemistry in 2002 and has held many different positions within the Academy. Among other things, he has served on, and chaired, the Nobel Committee for Chemistry and the Committee for the Gregori Aminoff Prize in crystallography. Since 2023 he has served as 1st Vice President.
Professor Lidin was elected as President for a period of three years at the Academy’s General Meeting on February 12. At the same meeting Ylva Engström, Professor of Molecular Biology at Stockholm University was elected as 3rd Vice President as of July 1.
Sven Lidin will succeed Birgitta Henriques Normark, Professor of Clinical Microbiology at Karolinska Institutet, who has served as President since 2022.