Every year, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry, and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Press accreditation for this year’s announcements at three different press conferences at the Academy are now open.

The press conferences at which the laureates will be announced are held at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm. They are only open to the journalists and photographers covering this year´s prizes. Please note that a registration in advance and valid press credentials are mandatory. If you do not have a press ID, contact the Press Secretary directly to discuss the possibility to attend.
This year we are welcoming a maximum of 80 journalists/photographers. If you wish to secure a specific seat in the Session Hall, we suggest that you arrive early. However, not earlier than 9.00 a.m. CEST when the doors to the Academy opens for media representatives. There will be a security check when entering.
Please follow the links below in order to register for a specific press conference. Registration must be made for each press conference separately. We need to have your contact details and information about which media you represent. If you wish to interview an expert from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences after the announcements, please note this in the registration form. Please also let us know if you want to reserve a space for filming with a camera on a stand.
If you cannot attend in person, you can follow the live broadcast at www.kva.se or www.nobelprize.org (no registration needed). You may also make advance arrangements to interview an expert from the Academy via phone or video link after the announcements. For special requests, or to book an interview via phone or video link, please email the Press Secretary, eva.nevelius@kva.se, well in advance.
Venue: Session Hall, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Lilla Frescativägen 4A, Stockholm, Sweden.
The following dates apply:
The Nobel Prize in Physics – Tuesday 8 October at 11.45 a.m. CEST at the earliest. Last date to register is 3 October.
Register here
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Wednesday 9 October at 11.45 a.m. CEST at the earliest. Last date to register is 3 October.
Register here
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel – Monday 14 October at 11.45 a.m. CEST at the earliest. Last date to register is 10 October.
Register here
For questions concerning the announcements at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, please contact the Press Secretary, see details below.
Information about all Nobel Prize announcements can be found at www.nobelprize.org
Press contact:
Eva Nevelius,
Press Secretary at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
+46 70 878 6763