Open Academy Lecture by Professor Katharine Cashman, University of Bristol, UK.
Host: The Academy’s class for geosciences
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Volcanic eruptions are controlled by processes that occur deep within the Earth. Assumptions about what lies below a volcano thus shape the ways in which we interpret precursory signals of volcanic eruptions, forecast the nature of eruptive activity, and develop long-term hazard assessments of volcanic regions. For the past century, models of volcanic processes have revolved around the concept of the magma chamber, where molten magma accumulates, evolves and eventually moves toward the Earth’s surface to erupt. The past decade, however, has seen a major paradigm shift in our views of subvolcanic systems, and hence our understanding of how volcanoes work.
Katharine Cashman is a volcanologist who studies processes that Control volcanic eruption. She currently holds the AXA Chair of Volcanology at the University of Bristol, UK, has been elected to the Academia Europaea, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences, and is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and the Royal Society.
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